The derivatives industry's only front-to-back margin and cost analytical platform

company snapshot
Liam Huxley,
Founder & CEO
Capital Markets Technology
Initial Investment
April 2018
London, UK
Investment Theme
Antiquated, static methods for valuing complex derivatives and margin requirements.
Cassini In Action
The director of a funding and collateral team at one of the world’s largest asset management companies and custodian banks with US$3.1 trillion under management said:
“When considering partners to provide IM calculations as part of our outsourced UMR offering, Cassini became the obvious choice based on their deep expertise and holistic analytics capabilities. Our partnership with Cassini allows us to offer analytics that go beyond ticking the regulatory compliance box. They enable our clients to proactively manage previously opaque costs of trading derivatives, cleared or uncleared, and give them a competitive advantage in challenging market conditions.”
The Associate Director for Derivatives and Multi-asset Trading Solutions for one of the world’s largest asset managers, with over $1.6 trillion of assets, said:
“As part of our strategic vision, we on-boarded Cassini’s Analytics platform to firstly meet the requirements of UMR and understand the cost implications ahead of the go-live date. As we execute against our Funding and Collateral vision, we will look to take advantage of the full front-to-back margin and collateral optimisation analytics, from pre-trade to end-of-day modules, focusing on transparency into margin drivers, enhanced pre-trade decision making and the ability to compare IM numbers with dealers – giving TRP more oversight of our trading portfolios.”