July 5, 2023
KOR CEO appointed to CFTC GMAC technical issues subcommittee
KOR | LONDON ― On Friday June 30th, Commissioner Caroline D. Pham announced the appointment of new members to the Global Markets Advisory Committee (GMAC) and its Subcommittees on Global Market Structure, Technical Issues, and Digital Asset Markets. We are honored that our own CEO and Founder Jonathan Thursby was appointed for a two-year term on the Technical Issues sub-committee.
The GMAC Technical Issues sub-committee works to identify, assess and discuss technical issues and developments in the field of derivatives and markets regulation. This committee also provides guidance and advice to the CFTC and its staff on the application of federal statutes, regulations and related regulations, including in areas of consideration such as technology, operational risk management, automated trading, market surveillance, market data, reporting and the public disclosure of market information.
The Committee serves to ensure the continued safety of the derivatives markets by facilitating close collaboration among the regulator, industry stakeholders and the public to ensure regulations are in compliance with the current market environment.
Commissioner Caroline D. Pham sponsors the GMAC. Gates S. Hurand, Chief Counsel to Commissioner Pham, serves as the Designated Federal Officer, and Meghan Tente, Chief of Staff to Commissioner Pham, serves as the Alternate Designated Federal Officer.
KOR is ready to add to a rich discourse on technology driven impacts and opportunities for US financial markets for the coming two years. KOR, through its KOR Reporting Inc subsidiary, is a licensed Swap Data Repository (SDR) by the CFTC in all asset classes and is supporting all market client segments. KOR is in the application process for US SEC and pan-Canadian along with UK, EU, Australia and Singapore for trade repository licenses.